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NIS2: Changes to Data Compliance

Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.

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Driving Cost Savings for Europe’s Leading Low-Cost Airline Ryanair.

CWSI deployed Ivanti’s Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) platform to help Ryanair easily secure, track and manage the devices. 


Ryanair’s objective is to firmly establish itself as Europe’s leading low-fares scheduled passenger airline through continued improvements and expanded offerings of its low-fares service. Ryanair aims to offer low fares that generate increased passenger traffic while maintaining a continuous focus on cost-containment and operating efficiencies. Their determination to achieve cost savings and to drive efficiency has resulted in them becoming leaders in the adoption of mobile technologies.

How we helped

CWSI worked with Ryanair to introduce a new Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) concept as part of the airline’s ‘Always Getting Better’ programme. Instead of carrying heavy briefcases full of paper flight documentation, over 4,000 pilots were issued with iPads and given mobile access to key aviation applications and data.

Pilots can now access applications such as Boeing’s Onboard Performance Tool (OPT) for take-off performance calculations, view the latest weather reports and guarantee they have the most up-to-date electronic flight manuals.

In the world of aviation space and weight cost money and the EFB solution delivered significant savings on both, saving over 15kgs of weight per flight and over 10 million pieces of paper per year.

In such a critical operating environment, reliability and security were key.  CWSI deployed Ivanti’s Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) platform to help Ryanair easily secure, track and manage the devices.  The IT team can easily deploy a growing range of new aviation applications to the devices, update applications promptly, remotely reset security passcodes, and wipe data from lost or missing devices.

Provisioning a new or replacement device, complete with all the necessary applications, is automated, quick and seamless, keeping pilots secure, productive and in the air.  A central reporting and monitoring platform provide Ryanair with all the information it needs to manage security, demonstrate compliance and continuously improve operational efficiency.


4,000 pilots now use the EFB solution throughout Europe and Ryanair has an aggressive growth strategy in place. According to Ryanair’s Michael Hickey, the logistical challenges of delivering information to crew have been instantly simplified by the move and pilot satisfaction with the intuitive, easy-to-use tool has been high.

This project is a great example of how CWSI can help to adopt mobile-first thinking and have a significant positive impact on business processes, creating efficiencies, delivering cost savings and enabling Ryanair to remain a leader in low-cost aviation.

  • Reduced fuel costs, saving 15kgs of weight per flight
  • Eliminated over 10 million pieces of paper per year
  • Reduced operational costs through simplified logistics
  • Instant ability to deliver new applications quickly and securely
  • Enhanced security with remote wipe and passcode re-set functionality
  • Improved pilot experience and satisfaction
  • Scalability to support Ryanair’s ambitious mobility programme

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