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NIS2: Changes to Data Compliance

Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.

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ESG Policy

Company Overview

CWSI was founded in 2010 with the purpose of empowering the world to work securely from anywhere. Since organisations first began using smartphones and tablets, we’ve been enabling employees to work productively and securely on any device without compromising security, privacy, or user experience. We are independent and agnostic, helping our clients maximise the business benefits of the devices, applications, and data they use, regardless of platforms, form factors, operating systems and carriers. We use our technical and service expertise to design, deploy and manage a range of solutions from industry-leading software partners, alongside our own proprietary Digital Employee Experience platform (Workplace).

From our offices in Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, the CWSI Group (incorporating BLAUD and Mobco) is trusted to provide security, compliance, and mobility solutions to some of Europe’s most respected organisations in both the public and private sector, either directly or through our channel partnerships.

Our purpose is to “Enable the world to work securely from anywhere”

Our ESG Framework

Our Purpose

Enable the world to work securely from anywhere.

Our ESG Purpose

To make sustainable profits by helping other businesses to thrive securely.

Our Priorities

  1. Drive economic growth through all we do
  2. Deliver sustainablity for a better future
  3. Operate transparently and responsibly
women working in office
Well-being and development of staffReduce carbon emissionsCorporate governance and oversight
Promote equality, diversity, inclusion health, and wellbeingEnergy management and efficiencyBoard independence, diversity and structure
Human rights & modern slaveryBe an advocate for sustainabilityFraud, anti-bribery, and anti-corruption controls
Give back to our local communitiesActively manage risks and opportunities

Result– Sustainable economic growth and prosperity


Our People

At CWSI we say our people are our greatest asset. Every CWSI employee will be integral to delivering the organisation’s strategic objectives. We seek to provide a safe, secure and inclusive environment that protects people and promotes their wellbeing, and we strive to have robust systems in place, enabling compliance, commerciality and efficiency aligned to our values of Customer First, Excellence, Respect and Be Bold.

Leadership & Accountability

As an organisation, we recognise the importance of accountability. At CWSI, we will maintain transparency regarding ESG issues by making reporting available. A senior decision maker will be nominated from the Executive Leadership team to oversee and monitor our Strategy and comment on the implementation of ongoing and new initiatives. A team responsible for implementing ESG objectives will report on progress to the Board of Directors bi-annually.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

We challenge what has traditionally been a male dominated industry by promoting the empowerment of women and providing equal opportunities for leadership. We are committed to achieving greater equality and diversity in the workplace. We will achieve this through policies that empower social inclusion – irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or other status. We will ensure equal pay for work of equal value and operate in full compliance with gender pay reporting requirements.

Our gender stats for 2023 are outlined below:

CEO 11
Grand Total2597122

Female Employees by Level


Listening & Developing

CWSI aims to maintain a positive work culture that makes our people proud. We provide our employees with a voice through our people analytics platform wrky and survey our organisation quarterly in order to closely examine, understand and improve our work culture. Our Workforce Engagement Strategy flows from the priorities established by our People Experience team under our strategic pillar of “High Performing Organisation” and measured through regular surveys to strive for continual improvement.

We are committed to fostering sustainability awareness and encouraging a genuine respect for environmental protection in all our people. We achieve this through:

  • Incorporation of ESG factors into the annual performance targets for all our people.

Ethical and Accountable

Policies and procedures that apply to our people are in place to ensure high standards of ethical and accountable conduct. This includes a zero-tolerance approach to fraud, bribery and corruption. The Audit & Risk Committee monitors compliance, is independent from management, and has broad powers to investigate activities, obtain independent professional advice and make recommendations to the Board.

Beyond our people

We will integrate sustainability criteria into vendor assessment and supply chain processes. At CWSI, we expect our suppliers, partners and customers to recognise and commit to similar principles of corporate responsibility. Our Procurement Policy is aligned to the requirements under the Modern Slavery Act 2018, which promotes the provision of safe, fair and equitable work conditions for employees and suppliers.

Our communities

We build relationships with our local communities and consider our impact on the local community. We have nominated a number of preferred charity partners in each of our territories. We have a group wide volunteering policy for employees to enable time off to support charities of their choice. We also have a process for employees to request monetary sponsorship for local clubs or charities.

We support apprentice programmes in the UK and Ireland and we are looking at broadening these out to Benelux regions.

We also participate in return-to-work programmes for females such as Womens ReBoot in Ireland.


Environmental Policy Statement

At CWSI Group we are committed to building a better working world – one that includes sustainable growth.  We recognise our obligation towards our people and the wider communities in which we operate to minimise the impact of our business operations on the environment. As such, CWSI is committed to this Environmental Policy and all of our people are required to cooperate to ensure that it is fully implemented.

In particular we will:

  • Fulfil all compliance obligations including laws, regulations and other requirements relating to its environmental aspects to which the company subscribes and where possible, aim to exceed their minimum requirements.
  • Dispose of all waste according to the principles of the waste hierarchy. This includes ensuring adequate recycling capabilities in our 5 physical office locations.
  • Incorporate environmental considerations into the design of the Companies office premises where possible.
  • Consider online meetings before flights or road travel are consumed.
  • Review quantity of participants required for in-person meetings to reduce carbon footprint.
  • Only provide electric or hybrid company vehicles to employees.
  • Remove single use plastic from all office premises.
  • Reduce water usage in office premises.
  • Integrate environmental considerations into key business decisions through our developing ESG strategy.
  • Ensure that consideration is given to purchasing environmentally sustainable products and services as well as considering service partners’ environmental credentials in the selection process.
  • Provide information, instruction and training to staff as necessary on the environmental impacts of the firm’s activities and on mitigating measures and initiatives to minimise these impacts.
  • Regularly monitor this Policy to ensure that it remains in line with legislative requirements, the activities of the business and other relevant requirements.  It will be regularly reviewed and revised as necessary in the light of relevant changes to these.


CWSI is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. Our Board is responsible for ensuring that we have the structure, strategy and people to deliver corporate governance that is effective, visible and transparent. This includes not only complying with corporate governance codes and best practice, but also adopting strong risk management processes, robust anti-corruption policies and an ethical approach to both the spirit and letter of tax legislation within each of the regions we operate.

Our approach to good corporate governance is core to who we are and also supports our performance, ensuring longevity and helping deliver more value to our shareholders and customers.

Our ESG stakeholder team will be representatives from across the business who

Overview of ESG stakeholder team:

ESG Policy Summary

We’re committed to enhancing our positive impact through the development of a robust, clear and concise ESG strategy. Within each area, we’ve outlined clear objectives which aim to focus our efforts and which ensure that we are able to maximise our impact by focusing on the key areas where we can engage and influence our stakeholders.

Our objectives are thought through, aligned to our company values, and aligned to the UN Global Goals, so we can best position our skills and experience to work towards building prosperity for all.

We believe we are strongly placed to deliver real change within our organisation therefore amplifying our positive impact.

We have a clear roadmap ahead of us, and a lot of work to do. We look forward to delivering on our commitments to support prosperity for all.