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NIS2: Changes to Data Compliance
Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.
Our Voice
Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.
With the rise of hybrid working, it has become increasingly difficult to manage the deployment of devices, whether it be laptops or mobile phones. According to the most recent Microsoft Digital Defence Report, 80-90% of all successful ransomware compromises originate through unmanaged devices. Ensuring that devices are securely deployed, enrolled in UEM, remain patched and have the right policy deployed are all challenges that our services resolve.
Our Services include:
Device management is an umbrella term that refers to the upkeep and management of a singular PC or network using administrative tools and actions. This is undertaken by overseeing the operation, installation, and overall upkeep of a network, computer or a single software.
The use of device management software allows businesses to streamline and sync devices, continuously assess inventory, as well as ensure compliance with security policies throughout the network.
Device management software can be utilised on a wide range of devices. Most notably, desktops, laptops, routers, servers, tablets and smartphones can all be managed through these software programs
Get in touch to discuss device management with one of our experts:
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