Our Voice
NIS2: Changes to Data Compliance
Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.
Our Voice
Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.
We operate in one of the fastest moving industries in the world. Cyber threats and the activities of bad actors change on a daily basis. We see it as we work with it day to day. Those outside of the cyber industry or those who don’t follow it on a regular basis often need insights into how to best position for defence. Our consultants offer C-level education and advice on emerging threats and best practice defences.
In addition to this, we offer bespoke end user cyber awareness sessions. With the rise in ransomware attacks which almost always start with an end user inadvertently clicking on the wrong link, keeping cyber security front of mind can be an important part of an organisations cyber defence strategy.
Technology Talks
Hear some actionable insights from cyber security expert and former cyber awareness trainer, Nick Oosterwijk in our latest Technology Talk. Gain tips and best practices aimed at increasing overall cyber security posture, both personally and professionally!
Our Voice
Technology Talks
Listen to our Chief Operations Officer, Des Ryan as he explains how the recent increase in cybercrime requires IT teams to stay vigilant to protect their organisations from threat actors. Hear Des’ recommendations on best practices to decrease your organisation’s chances of falling victim to the next cyber-attack.