Our Voice
NIS2: Changes to Data Compliance
Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.
Our Voice
Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.
We understand that identity is the key cyber security battleground. According to the latest Microsoft Digital Defence report, Microsoft infrastructure blocks 4,000 identity attacks per second. The scale is astonishing, but it is important to note, even though this volume of attacks are blocked, ransomware attacks are increasing in frequency.
Our customers cannot rely on Microsoft alone to defend their identity. Operational processes and best practice management is crucial. Most cyber-attacks target the user for compromise. Despite that, most organisations have poor hygiene in terms of managing user accounts and permissions. This provides the ideal playground for a cyber attacker who is looking for lateral movement and privilege escalation during an attack.
Our services help keep our customers identity secure and are built on top of securely managed devices to ensure that customer data is always protected.
Our Services include:
Our Voice
Our Voice