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NIS2: Changes to Data Compliance
Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.
Our Voice
Learn the layers of data security which will be required to successfully achieve NIS2 compliance before the directives October deadline.
Today’s borderless workers are always on, no matter where they are. But how can you simplify the way you remotely manage your Samsung mobile fleet and empower your workforce to achieve more, in office or in field?
Samsung Knox provides a complete toolkit for businesses across Samsung mobile devices including cybersecurity, mobile device management, compliance, device enrolment, device health, software patching, and configuration.
CWSI provide a Samsung Knox Managed Service which enables customers to leverage Samsung mobile technology within their own organisations, providing a unique level of control with the day-to-day running of the platform managed by CWSI’s mobility experts.
This frees up customers to focus on their core tasks and own clients to save time, increase productivity and, ultimately, grow their business.
The Knox platforms allows you to:
At CWSI, we have more Knox engineers and Android experts than any other company in Europe. We are well-placed to help our customers who are planning to adopt Knox suite capability or those who have already adopted the Knox suite but lack the resources or expertise to manage it.
Find out more about our Samsung Knox Managed Service offering by filling in the form below.
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