Microsoft & CWSI demonstrate how you can use Microsoft 365 to modernise and future-proof your workforce as you begin returning to the office. We are then joined by Colm Healy of Corrata for an exclusive demo of their brand new integration that allows Microsoft Cloud App Security to manage areas like app discovery and security across all devices – something that was only previously possible on Windows 10 devices.
The world has changed. Soon, firms will begin returning to their offices, but that doesn’t mean they can return to the way they used to work.
Remote working will become a major feature of business as companies return in phases. Firms will have to adapt to make sure their teams have the tools to work productively from anywhere.
However, security will still be a major challenge. As Microsoft Gold Security Experts, we see many firms stuck with an outdated security model that’s no longer fit for purpose.
Companies can’t rely on the perimeter of their on-premise networks alone for cloud app security and discovery, or advanced threat protection. They need new ways to manage their remote workforce securely – and a fresh approach to security in a shifting threat landscape.
That’s why, following the success of our February 2020 Breakfast Briefing, we’re delighted to be once again hosting a free online event with Microsoft to explore how you can modernise your workforce through Microsoft Cloud.
Our Panel
As one of our top partners in this area, our recommendation would be to speak to CWSI, with their depth of capability they will be able to help you assess where you are and how to get started on a journey to a zero-trust posture
Des Ryan – Director of Solutions, Microsoft